Exchange Data, not Just Send

The unique advantage of an integrated, secure, 2-way file transfer tool.


Exchanging large archives is a crucial security and efficiency challenge in the production cycle. It’s common to connect to third-party paid services. But there’s also a widespread bad habit: resorting to unsafe consumer platforms.

Mnemonica Delivery Box


Mnemonica has got its own built-in, round-trip facility to send and receive files and folders of any size and complexity.
Boxes are perfectly integrated with Screening Rooms and travel only among registered Users.

Send, Don't Store

Send folders or files straight from a Screening Room or from your local drive. No file size and nesting limits, no need for other repositories.

Send, Don't Wait

Choose the files, seal, send, and forget. Your Box will be delivered as soon as uploads are done. But you can still modify the content.

Send & Send Again

All Boxes have an expiration date. While a Box is alive you can resend it as many times as you want. Then it is logged in your History forever.