20 Oct Mnemonica News lands on Telegram
This very section of our website, replicated as a What’s new widget in the web application, used to be a simple internal outlet of updates and tips to help Mnemonica Users work everyday on the platform.
Over time, Mnemonica’s general activity and public has grown and we started publishing proper news, besides release notes and such. For example, industry events in which we are involved, or that we make happen ourselves.
So we felt the need to expand this private speaker into a full 2-way communication channel, where we can possibly engage with everyone. Not only to broadcast useful stuff but also to ask questions, collect suggestions and feature requests, receive remarks and bug warnings, and make new friends.
We chose Telegram because its technical features and interactive capacity are strong, and its data protection is higher than Whatsapp.
However, this is an experiment. We’ll explore with you and see what happens.
Come and join the channel, it’s just one click. See you there!