Mnemonica Gate 2.4.1
The new version of Mnemonica Gate delivers improved performance on unstable networks thanks to a new queue autoscaling algorithm....
The new version of Mnemonica Gate delivers improved performance on unstable networks thanks to a new queue autoscaling algorithm....
This new release brings a further huge improvement of user experience with lots of new features easing operation through the entire application....
Starting from June 30, 2023 we will discontinue our Huawei App due to almost non-existent demand, and concentrate on iOS and Android....
The new version of Mnemonica Gate delivers improved performance on unstable networks thanks to a new queue autoscaling algorithm....
This new release finally allows users to check detailed resource usage statistics at Company or Project level, and fully manage originals....
The new version of Mnemonica Gate delivers improved performance on unstable networks thanks to a new queue autoscaling algorithm....
This new release brings a higher dimension to production management: Company Administrators, overseeing all Projects and their Teams....
Room Color Tags are new color codes that can be assigned to Screening Rooms to group or sort them according to personal criteria....
A set of colored tags with definite meanings which anyone can associate with items in a Screening Room to signal specific processing states....