Scheduled Maintenance Jan 21st, 2023
Due to service upgrade we could be partially or totally unreachable from 8 AM CET for up to 4 hours....
Due to service upgrade we could be partially or totally unreachable from 8 AM CET for up to 4 hours....
Full room and rich lineup of speakers yesterday: institutions, industry reps, and cybercrime experts calling to arms with the due lucid fear....
The new version of Mnemonica Gate delivers improved performance on unstable networks thanks to a new queue autoscaling algorithm....
This new release brings a higher dimension to production management: Company Administrators, overseeing all Projects and their Teams....
Room Color Tags are new color codes that can be assigned to Screening Rooms to group or sort them according to personal criteria....
A set of colored tags with definite meanings which anyone can associate with items in a Screening Room to signal specific processing states....
This new release introduces the ability for users to choose color codes for the first time, plus more Screening Room types and various improvements....
Media Notes are a way to share long-lasting information in a Screening Room, beyond real-time conversations....
To all Mnemonica Users. Please note that next Saturday, April 30th, due to a server upgrade, Mnemonica could be partially or totally unreachable starting at 8...